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Experience the Women's Center Coalition



What is the Women's Center?

The Women’s Center is a safe space for people to organize, receive peer support and participate in various events and activities. The safe space is preserved by volunteers who are committed to maintaining an inclusive atmosphere for all identities.



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The Community

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Reinforcing our Commitment

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"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences."

Audre Lorde

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Working Towards a Better Tomorrow

Our Herstory

A Brief Feminist History:

  • 1973 - Three Livingston women establish the Livingston Crisis Center.

  • 1979 - The University funds the Center and the Center moves to 56 College Avenue. The space becomes more involved in the women’s community and begins sponsoring Take Back the Night - an internationally held march and rally against rape and sexual violence.

  • 1991/92 - The Women’s Center is renamed as the Women’s Support and Resource Center.

  • 1994 - Douglass Dean Mary Hartman shuts down the Douglass Women’s Center, due to budget cuts. The University also attempts to shut down the Center located on College Avenue, but eventually changes the location of the Center to 17 Senior Street, after the students rally against its removal. After a fire on the College Avenue Campus burned down the Psychological Services building, the Center was indefinitely displaced. Concerned students and Rutgers faculty formed the Women’s Center Defense Coalition in response, and worked to rally for a new safe space. The rallies were ultimately successful, and the Coalition was granted a temporary space in the third floor of the Douglass Campus Center. For the past five or more years, the Center has continued to exist in the “temporary” location. We’ve made this space our home, adding our own touch, including a giant chalk-board!

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